Jaime Syzbala L.Ac
Jaime was raised by a chiropractor, and a highly nurturing and intuitive mother. When she was about 26, poor choices began to catch up with her. Fortunately, she had been raised with the knowledge of how to change this! Learning from mistakes, she already knew the steps she had to take to lead a happier, healthier life.
When she began her path back to good health, one thing she quickly realized is that everything that she had learned through passive experience and considered second nature, was news to most other people. And there began her passion for educating people about how to live a healthier life.
That being said, she states that she has the most boring answer when people ask me why she became an acupuncturist. Her answer: she just always wanted to. The longer version is that she has a deep admiration for Chinese medicine because it relys on the body’s innate ability to heal itself. When you put the body in charge of healing itself, it knows exactly how to do it, and it does it well.
Jaime feels the same way about herbal medicine. Humans have been using herbs as medicine since the dawning of mankind. With this lengthy history of use, there is extensive knowledge on how to use herbs, and how to use them safely. You could consider it the longest clinical trial in human history. The benefit of herbal medicine over pharmaceutical is that the human body knows how to digest and use herbs, and using a whole plant is more medicinally beneficial than just a single active constituent, they are generally safer than pharmaceuticals, and they are pretty to look at.
Now having a clinical focus on men’s health, Jaime treats erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, delayed ejaculation, prostate health, frequent, hesitant, urgent urination, stress, insomnia, anxiety. General health concerns of headaches, digestion and heart health as well as muscle and joint pain including sciatica can all be treated with acupuncture.
If you’re considering trying acupuncture or Chinese medicine, but still aren’t sure, or have questions, please feel free to call. I’m happy to help.