Acupuncture Portland Men’s Health
Grace Peters LAc MAOM
NW 23rd St Portland
My love for Chinese Medicine lies in its innate ability to treat the whole person, as unique as they may be, in a way that trains the body to heal itself. It allows myself as a practitioner to do what I love, to connect to patients and create a treatment that embodies their personalities, lifestyles and health-related goals in order to help improve many aspects of their lives. As a musician amidst a rigorous Masters program, I was pleasantly surprised to discover how my receiving acupuncture treatments for school-related stress resulted in a boost in my creativity and overall enjoyment of life! What a bonus.
After receiving my Masters degree from the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine, I elected to do intensive clinical work abroad in Nanjing, China. Here, I had the opportunity to work with physicians at the top of their field in the areas of reproductive health, facial paralysis, shingles and acute and chronic back pain using both acupuncture and herbs. This experience strengthened my respect for this medicine and all who use it; it is a great gift that we have access to and I am thrilled to help patients find ways to love their lives a little more.
Using primarily acupuncture and herbal medicine, I treat many aspects concerning men’s health, including: stress, fatigue, digestive complaints, musculoskeletal pain, reproductive and sexual health, prostate concerns, and urinary difficulties. We will work together to create a comfortable space to move towards a more vibrant YOU.