Dr Karla Koch LAc ND. DOM. RN
Creating Vibrant Health through Naturopathic and Oriental Medicine
Karla Koch, ND, DOM is a Naturopath and Acupuncturist based in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Dr. Koch is licensed to practice in Vermont and New Mexico at her current practice location in Albuquerque, New Mexico.
Dr. Karla, ND, DOM, recognizes that disease results from a combination of factors, including diet and lifestyle, toxicity exposure, genetic predisposition and emotional influences. Optimizing healthcare requires appreciating the complicated roles these factors play, then counseling and treating the patient in a cooperative effort to achieve maximum wellness.
She offers a gentle style of acupuncture treatment, which may include a combination of herbal and dietary therapy. Treatments are drawn from comprehensive, in-depth training in Chinese style acupuncture, Chinese Herbal & Western Herbalism, and Holistic Health Counseling.
Dr. Karla uses a multi-faceted personalized approach that stimulates the body’s natural healing process and addresses primary symptoms as well as the underlying cause of illness. Her diagnostic and healing techniques combine modern scientific, functional and traditional empirical methods to profoundly improve health and vitality and has a clinical focus on men’s health and treats erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, delayed ejaculation, prostate health, frequent, hesitant, urgent urination, stress, insomnia, anxiety. She also treats general health concerns of acute and chronic pain, hormone imbalances, acute and chronic infections, allergies, autoimmune disorders, unexplained fatigue headaches, digestion and heart health as well as muscle and joint pain including sciatica can all be treated with acupuncture.
Practice modalities include:
- Acupuncture
- Bio-identical hormone therapy
- Botanical medicine
- Clinical nutrition
- Heavy metal chelation
- Homeopathic medicine
- Functional medicine
- Intravenous therapies
- Laboratory diagnosis
- Regenerative injection therapy