Dr.Anderson Goncalves A.P., D.O.M.
Dr. Anderson Goncalves, A.P., D.O.M. is a licensed doctor of acupuncture in the state of Florida with a clinic in Pompano Beach. Now having a clinical focus on men’s health, Anderson treats erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, delayed ejaculation, prostate health, frequent, hesitant, urgent urination, stress, insomnia, anxiety. General health concerns of headaches, digestion and heart health as well as muscle and joint pain including sciatica can all be treated with acupuncture.
Dr. Anderson can surely say that he love interacting with people and being useful in restoring their health. His passion in healthcare was an old dream of his since his early twenties. However, until he graduated college and became a licensed acupuncture physician, he used to work in the corporate world for many years as a representative of the Brazilian Civil Aviation Agency – ANAC.
Being a cancer-cause advocate, he founded the Wellness Project Foundation two years ago. A non-profit organization that helps cancer patients alleviate the side effects of chemotherapy with the use of acupuncture. He also offers low cost acupuncture for the low- income community.
Anderson has been blessed to have had the opportunity to receive training from top Chinese doctors in Florida and around the world, including Dr. Raul Nogier, MD. (France) son of Paul Nogier, founder of Auricular therapy, Dr. Jan Kersschout MD. (Belgium) founder of Biopuncture Injection therapy, and Dr. John Boel (Denmark) founder of Acunova ophthalmic acupuncture. I was also trained
Anderson earned his Bachelor’s degree in health science and a Master degree in oriental medicine and became a licensed doctor of oriental medicine and primary care provider in the state of Florida.
Anderson states that words can not express how fulfilled he is, by doing what he loves, integrating eastern and western medical concepts for the best therapeutic results and optimal health.